My Story
Debra Perkinson
I became enamored with Aquatic Integration (AI) during a session when I was repeatedly asked to relax. How could I not be relaxed? I was in 94 degree water, my body was being guided through wonderful movements that gently stretched and opened tight areas, my extremities were softly massaged, and all I needed to do was to “be the kelp.”
So, I imagined the kelp beds at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and how they move with the water’s flow, and still I was asked to relax. That’s when I noticed how tense and rigid my body was. I was still in my head thinking how nice it felt and completely ignored what my body was doing. It took some concentration, and I made it relax. Afterwards I felt more flexible and opened.
I was peaceful, and most of the tightness was gone (similar to a deep-tissue massage,) and I had the best night’s sleep in months. The next day I had more energy and did not get the usual neck, shoulder and upper & lower back discomfort from sitting at a computer all day.
Soon, I began a two year training program and also certified in Massage.
I discovered, while compiling my research paper, how quickly the water helps realign body imbalances. Using Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, before and again after sessions, I noted how a busy mind disconnects us from our body. Aquatic Integration helps redirect mindless thought patterns that often kick our bodies out of balance. We simply are not aware of how much stress and tension we hold in our body.
So, I imagined the kelp beds at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and how they move with the water’s flow, and still I was asked to relax. That’s when I noticed how tense and rigid my body was. I was still in my head thinking how nice it felt and completely ignored what my body was doing. It took some concentration, and I made it relax. Afterwards I felt more flexible and opened.
I was peaceful, and most of the tightness was gone (similar to a deep-tissue massage,) and I had the best night’s sleep in months. The next day I had more energy and did not get the usual neck, shoulder and upper & lower back discomfort from sitting at a computer all day.
Soon, I began a two year training program and also certified in Massage.
I discovered, while compiling my research paper, how quickly the water helps realign body imbalances. Using Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, before and again after sessions, I noted how a busy mind disconnects us from our body. Aquatic Integration helps redirect mindless thought patterns that often kick our bodies out of balance. We simply are not aware of how much stress and tension we hold in our body.